GondwanaTalks is a multilingual blog on nature, earth, climate and life

Bare landscapes reveal a wide range of colors, the hues of rusted earth. With no vegetation to conceal the soil and underlying geological layers, the land's rugged splendor is laid bare. This is especially true in Fuerteventura, the oldest of the Canary Islands and the one closest to Africa, only 94 km away. Fuerteventura's dry soils, despite their...

Sand is everywhere. Deserts and beaches are full of it. But next to water, sand and gravel are amongst of the most exploited natural resources. Along with cement, they are indispensable for making concrete, a process that across all stages of production has a major impact on the environment and climate. Since the Romans built the Pantheon, the...

Cyanotype is one of the oldest forms of photography and is particularly suited to portray the wonderful life of the ocean. With almost otherworldly prints of marine algae, Helena Cruz de Carvalho breathes life into otherwise imperceptible creatures like diatoms, coccolithophores, and dinoflagellates. The delicate filigree of these organisms...

About six million years ago, almost all the water of the Mediterranean Sea evaporated as it became cut off from the global ocean. In a geological blink of an eye, the sea level dropped until only a few seething lagoons remained, at a depth of roughly 1,500 to 3,000 meters below mean sea leve, causing a huge ecological crisis. But then great natural floodgates opened in the Strait of Gibraltar and through a mega-flood the basin refilled with seawater. Read on.


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— One of the first GondwanaTalks articles —

Lapis lazuli: Via the Silk Road to Tutankhamun.

An article by Kathelijne Bonne

From high mountain peaks to the pharaohs.

How precious stone lapis lazuli found its way from the world's most ancient mines to Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece, and to the canvases of the great painters, has been documented extensively. Discover how lapis lazuli formed, as it crystallized in seams of precious rocks in the midst of plate tectonic turmoil. 

Background picture: Géry60 on Foter.com / CC BY-ND

What is Gondwana?

The inspiration came from the great, lost continent of Gondwana. Gondwana was the land area in which all southern continents were once united into one great supercontinent. When it formed, life had exploded into a myriad of life forms and had risen from a mainly microscopic bacterial world to a world in which animals and plants came to dominate. When Gondwana fell apart, and continents drifted away, new, isolated life forms emerged, of which the peculiar fauna and flora of Australia are the best, but not the only, example.

GondwanaTalks is an online magazine on the natural world, for a wide audience. 



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